that we all are in college, it is important to have a CV handy for
opportunities do not always knock and come. But the thing that confuses us is
what to and what not to include in our CV.
is no exact science to getting a CV right but some Do’s and Dont’s always come
in handy.
of basic CV
There is no right or wrong way to write a CV
but there are some common sections you should cover. These include: personal
and contact information; education and qualifications; work history and/or
experience; relevant skills to the job in question; own interests, achievements
or hobbies; and some references.
your CV according to the job description
you have the basic CV ready, you just need to add the points that are important
for the job description. Avoid anything which is not pertinent to the job. In
case you plan to
have an All Purpose CV, then don't forget to rework 40-50 words summary to
address the particular job.
your CV reviewed from a Professional
is the key. Take help from someone who is more qualified or experienced than
you, although, you should write your CV yourself. Upon seeing your CV a HR person or a Professor
will immediately pick up the shortcomings, which when corrected will fetch the
first point in your favor during the interview.
4. Make most of your
like you, all other students have been doing volunteer work, internship and
society work. In your CV use assertive and
positive language under the work history and experience sections, such as
"developed", "organized" or "achieved" to
stand out.
A CV should not exceed 2 pages of an A4 size
sheet. An employer receives dozens of CVs so it's
unlikely they'll read each one cover to cover. Most will make a judgment about
a CV within sections, so stick to a
clear, concise CV.
6. Chronological order of CV
List your achievements in chronological
order, with the recent one at the top.
7. Present it well
A well presented CV is a must. Try to add
tables presenting details in a organised way and use bullet points and keep
sentences short. This will catch the eye of the employer and he will notice the
important points easily.
8. Fill in the gaps
Never leave anything to the imagination of
the employer. Gaps like not describing your previous job clearly, are highly
conspicuous on the CV and the interviewer is bound to spot it.
9. Treat a CV as your marketing document
Present your qualities very well in your
CV as it can make or break your interview. Include all the points that present
your strong qualities and highlight them well. Mention your awards and
10. Check your CV
After completing your CV be sure to check
and recheck it. It should be free from spelling errors, should meet the employer’s
requirements and should make sense.
am sure that these points would definitely help you all in perfecting your CV’s.
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