On Tuesday, January 19, 2016, Commerce department organized an assembly to celebrate the ‘Foundress Day’. The assembly began at 12:35pm in the MPH. Principal Sr. Marina John was the chief guest. Forgiveness was the theme chosen by the commerce girls. It was started with
a welcome dance and a song sung by the choir. The MPH was beautifully decorated with
balloons. Further, a skit was presented which depicted the importance of Forgiveness. A
poem was then read which was written by Srishti Taneja. Also, a bouquet was presented to
the chief guest and sweets were distributed among the teachers and sisters who were
present there. In the end, Sr. Marina gave a speech which enlightened the audience about
forgiveness and she also spoke about the foundress of the college. JMC was founded by a
noble lady St. Claudine Thevenet. Claudine was moved by the atrocities and miseries of her
time and she was convinced that only knowledge and love of God could transform the society
of her time. Her aim was to make God known and loved through Christian education of the
young, especially the poor. Thus, forgiveness was the beginning of the congregation of JMC.
a welcome dance and a song sung by the choir. The MPH was beautifully decorated with
balloons. Further, a skit was presented which depicted the importance of Forgiveness. A
poem was then read which was written by Srishti Taneja. Also, a bouquet was presented to
the chief guest and sweets were distributed among the teachers and sisters who were
present there. In the end, Sr. Marina gave a speech which enlightened the audience about
forgiveness and she also spoke about the foundress of the college. JMC was founded by a
noble lady St. Claudine Thevenet. Claudine was moved by the atrocities and miseries of her
time and she was convinced that only knowledge and love of God could transform the society
of her time. Her aim was to make God known and loved through Christian education of the
young, especially the poor. Thus, forgiveness was the beginning of the congregation of JMC.
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