So yes, here we are approaching to the best time of the year. The time which has a magic revolving around it. The time, the mere mention of which puts a smile so huge on any student's face.
After the much stress of exams, we are finally free and all set to have the time of our life!
Well yeah, you must have heard how amazing are the fests of DU. But experiencing them live is an altogether different feeling. Filled with all sorts of fun and crazy activities, these fests provide a much needed break from the regular classes and assignments. They lend a charismatic feeling to the air. Breathtaking music, dazzling performances, hot shot modelling, you'll find it all. And who knows, you may even find something much more !
Because, it's DU and it loves giving surprises!
First years are always among the most excited squad, when it comes to going to different colleges and attending their fests. And why not, they have all the rights to take the feel of the typical College life!
Aah! With lights and music all around, the campus itself turns into a disk. And what can be better?
Also, a lot of concerts are organised by different colleges where famous singers are invited to perform. These concerts give an electrifying experience to the students and become the talk of the town. And yeah, one should never miss on them!
So yeah, with excitement in the air and enthusiasm in the hearts , the preparations have already been started by various colleges to make their annual cultural festivals a great hit this time as well! With dates being released for some, it's hard to wait!
From games to competitions to food, it's all going to be amazing! We really can't afford to miss even a single one, and nor can you. Right, no? 
-Pranjal Bhandari
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