22nd of February was indeed a splendid day, having the
perfect blend of fun, knowledge and wit as the it witnessed Zion’18, the
annual fest of Mercatus, the marketing society of Jesus and Mary College.
The theme “ The world is our canvas “ captured all eyes with
the insightful and colourful view to express the thoughts .
The fest, focusing largely on marketing events witnessed the
presence of a large number of students, learning about their fields in depth. Events like Marcade , the mock stock
with a twist , was a huge success which involved trading in barter in an outcry
system. M
Plan , the marketing case study ensured to test the smartest marketers in town
Besides the intellect, some events also had a playful side.
Amazing Race, the scavenger hunt was a huge success amongst the crowd .
Advert Manic , the ad
mad competition with a Bollywood quiz captured all eyes with splendid
performances by the participants.
Battle of brands ensured to cultivate knowledge with a
little pinch of madness.
Not to forget the best part of the event, the stand-up
comedy by Mr. Jeeveshu Ahluwalia , the one and only Laughterpreneur .
Students experienced bursts of laughter when his excellent
skills in comedy echoed in the MPH of the college . From the relates like
Indian parents to the types of airlines . Every word of his made sure to make
the youth laugh with his splendorous performance.
A short comic session by our guest speaker Ms. Sejal Mehra made the audience even more enthusiastic
and helped in setting up the mood for the day .
Well, words are not enough to sum up the success of the
event! The hard work of the entire Mercatus Team pulled off the event very
successfully with their mammoth zeal .
Ritika Wadhwa
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