DREAM CHASE What I want to become of me? Asked a colleen, a curious soul Wondering about the mysteries, this world beholds. The vast mélange, she couldn’t comprehend The enormous beauty that seemed to descend Everyone went about their lives Yet no one seemed to enjoy The craziness, the scare The happiness, the despair The only thing that mattered Was getting "there" In a fast-paced world, through and through Where one didn’t even know himself Was it really worth to pull through Enquired the woman of herself. There are so many ideals About what I should do But no real desire To drive you What good does it do, to be a soul- lost and alone On such a beautiful sphere, with mysteries galore. However there is hope, for the ones who dare To break the rules, and fiercely stare Into the world’s eyes and declare That their existence is not bare. Th...