John Trump Jr. ,the executive director of the trump organisation and the eldest
son of the U.S President Donald Trump was warmly welcomed on Tuesday 20th February 2018 , while he was on a one week business tour to the country for endorsing his
luxurious residential project-Trump Towers.

Trump Jr. had a series of meet and
greet with Indian investors and business leaders in Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune and
Gurugram respectively, where the ambitious Trump Tower projects are under way.
Although this visit was simply supposed to be a private business trip but how
could it have not been controversial when the trumps are involved.
On 26th February, Monday many Indian newspapers flashed full page glossy advertisements about the
Trump Jr. ‘s visit inviting investors to buy units in the Trump Tower in
Gurugram and getting to have a conversation and dinner with Trump Jr. in
return. This offer drew a lot of criticism from the U.S media and various
ethics experts blaming Trump Jr. for using his family’s political ties to make
money. This was seen as providing the people from the Indian elite with access
to the first family in order to make money. On Friday 23rd February, he was supposed to give a
foreign policy speech at a business summit in New Delhi but hours before the
summit, he declined the speech and instead had a fireside chat with the media.
His withdrawal at the last moment was done against the backdrop of the claims of the U.S media that giving a
foreign policy speech while he is not even an official of the U.S
administration but just a businessman does not seem to be legit.
even after all the condemnation, it seems like Trump Jr. has achieved what he
aimed for with this visit. Reportedly on Monday alone, the day before he landed
in India, the Trump organisation earned $15 million thanks to the big
advertisements and about 85 apartments worth $108 million were sold in the yet
to be built Trump Towers in Gurugram until Friday when the buyers of these
units met with Trump Jr. for a conversation and dinner. Of course Trump Jr.
received a lot of flak and slamming especially from the U.S media but we have
to admit that he played really smart and succeeded in making a big chunk of
profit from the Indian buyers and investors.
Harshita Singh
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