is Nirav Modi ?
Modi is an Indian billionaire businessman ranked No.85 in the Forbes list , and
the founder of Nirav Modi global Jewellery house is the man who is in the
middle of this controversy .
brought the scam to notice ?
A set of partnership firms – Diamond R US, Solar Exports and
Stellar Diamonds –
approached the bank on January 16th with a set of import documents and
requested for Buyer’s Credit to make payments to overseas suppliers. The firms
have Nirav Modi, his brother Nishal Modi, Mr.
Nirav’s wife Ami Nirav Modi, and Mehul Chinubhai Chokshi as partners.
PNB scam reveals the big loophole in our banking industry . The culprit is no
one man either . It is a combined effort of too many influential people who
managed to pull of the scam of approximately 11,000 Crores .
all began on the morning of 28th February , when PNB informed Bombay
Stock Exchange that it had detected “ some fraudulent and unauthorised
transactions “ in one of its Mumbai Branches .
, the CBI received complaints from PNB against Nirav Modi for the fraud of
11,400 Crore .

How did they pull off the scam of such huge
amount ?
According to the complaint filed by PNB with the CBI on January
28th, the fraudulent issuance of Letters of Undertakings (LOU) was
detected at the Mid Corporate branch, Brady House in Mumbai.
Shetty, a former
deputy manager at the Punjab National Bank, and Manoj Kharat, have been
described as the “single window operators”
of the scam that is now being billed as the biggest in India’s banking history.
On digging further, the bank officials
discovered that two of its employees had fraudulently issues LOUs in the past
without following prescribed procedures and approvals. The employees had then
transmitted SWIFT instructions
to the overseas branches of Indian Banks for raising Buyer’s Credit without
making entries in the banking system to avoid detection.
questions still remain unanswered !
A whistle blower named Hari Prasad Yadav wrote a detailed letter to
PMO regarding a million dollar scam but the PMO reverted to the letter saying
the case has been closed now .
A close connection is being established
between Narendra Modi and Nirav Modi .
If the government can stop a “
Greenpeace Activist from travelling to UK “ . They must be having enough power
to stop a million dollar fraud from escaping the country !?
According to the reports the
Enforcement Directorate has recovered 5,100 Crore in one day .
The question
arises that while RBI has still been counting the demonetized money since 15
months , the ED managed to count 5,100 crores in one single day ?
By Ritika Wadhwa
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