What's going on in Life? Am I on the right path? Does it all even make sense? Am I going to make it? Is this what I deserve?
These questions have been lingering in our minds lately, posing a burden so huge on all of us. Yeah, I do feel you all.
There's always an uncertainty and there is nothing wrong about it. There are decisions to be made and there is pressure to make them as fast as possible. Because,yes, we want to make the most of our lives! But are we actually achieving what we want to? Can't be answered, Right?
We have a numbered days, agreed!
But there's nothing bad about it if you simply waste a day or two. In fact it is important to give yourself some time and introspect within, get to know yourself better. Only then you can actually get all the answers which you have been searching from so long.
It's okay if you don't know what you are going to do in ten years. It's completely okay. Atleast you are not taking a hassled decision. This is your life and only you can decide what you have to do with it. Only you know what you are best at. And what can be good for you.
But yes, you should always be open to suggestions, because who knows what your mind catches and drifts you into.
All in all, just give yourself some time, to think, to reflect, to heal, to wonder and to dream.
Just stand and stare and decide!
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