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Showing posts from March, 2018


‘Quiet people have the loudest minds.’- Stephen Hawking Stephen William Hawking, the man who made us believe that there is a universe beyond our imagination, that stars don’t merely twinkle, they radiate secrecy. Bound to his wheelchair he had explored the galaxies by the righteousness of his mind. He was born on 8 th January 1942, 300 years after the death of Galileo Galilei. He has authored famous books like The Brief History of Time, The Universe In A Nutshell, Theory Of Everything (autobiography), and many more. The ground breaking theorems on gravitational forces, theoretical predictions that black holes emit radiation(Hawking Radiation), quantum mechanism, multiuniverse theory, all these are few of his extraordinary works that took him steps closer to his questions ’Who made us? Who live on other planets?’ He was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease that led to his paralysis of body but the undying spirit in him continued to explore the mysteries of unive...

Stand and Stare

What's going on in Life?  Am I on the right path? Does it all even make sense? Am I going to make it? Is this what I deserve?   These  questions have been lingering in our minds lately, posing a burden so huge on all of us. Yeah, I do feel you all.  There's  always an uncertainty and there is nothing wrong about it. There are decisions  to be made and there is pressure to make them as fast as possible. Because,yes, we want to make the most of our lives!  But are we actually achieving what we want to? Can't be answered, Right?  We have a numbered days, agreed!  But there's nothing bad about it if you simply waste a day or two. In fact it is important to give yourself some time and introspect within, get to know yourself better. Only then you can actually get all the answers which you have been searching from so long.  It's okay if you  don't know what you are going to do in ten years. It's completely okay. Atle...


"I am  phenomenal woman, phenomenal woman that is me"- Oprah Winfrey, US TV Host. With virtuous potential and a determined spirit women have aced the diverse fields of entrepreneurship. Forbes India has released a list of Top 25 Indian Women Entrepreneurs, a group of ground breakers, game changers and innovators working across diverse sectors such as technology, law, banking, insurance, media, biotech and the startup sector. These rising stars in business have achieved significant success through their robust business models, funding sources and out of the box ideas. Courage and ambition defines these extraordinary women. Their strong conviction makes them go the extra mile to serve their purpose. Ginny Rometty, despite being first woman CEO, IBM, quoted, "I didn't want to be labeled the first woman CEO, I just want to be a CEO ". Prerna Mukharya, Founder and CEO, Outline India started her venture with R.s 1.5 lakh from her own savings. The other wo...


These days I feel a little happier than I used to, Why or what, is something I can’t get to. My days are still absolutely the same, I have encountered neither love nor fame, Still I tend to smile more often, Maybe it’s just my heart that’s softened? Each day I tend to feel more inspired, Something I know has definitely transpired, The same confidence in me has instilled, Every event seems to get me thrilled, No, I haven’t lost my brains, I think I know what happened, it’s the mountains! The serenity I experienced at the hill top, The sheer calm of the river, made the world stop, Being in nature’s lap I realized, All I require is right by my side. What I am talking of, are my friends. Who are all honestly, absolute gems, We somehow got along so easily, That now, they feel like my second family. From singing, dancing and all u can think, We covered it all, in just a blink, It seems like yesterday when we first met, And now I even...

PNB Scam or shall we say the Escape Clause of the Billionaire !

·          Who is Nirav Modi ? Nirav Modi is an Indian billionaire businessman ranked No.85 in the Forbes list , and the founder of Nirav Modi global Jewellery house is the man who is in the middle of this controversy . ·          Who brought the scam to notice ?   A set of partnership firms –   Diamond R US, Solar Exports and Stellar Diamonds   – approached the bank on January 16th with a set of import documents and requested for Buyer’s Credit to make payments to overseas suppliers. The firms have   Nirav Modi , his brother   Nishal Modi , Mr. Nirav’s wife   Ami Nirav Modi , and   Mehul Chinubhai Chokshi   as partners. The PNB scam reveals the big loophole in our banking industry . The culprit is no one man either . It is a combined effort of too many influential people who managed to pull of the scam of approximately 11,000 Crores . It all began on th...

Trudeau’s visit to India!

“We like to say ‘people-kind’ and not ‘mankind’, because it is more inclusive.” Yes, I am talking about one of the youngest and the most Prime Ministers in the world, The right honorable Justin Trudeau,whose feminist ideologies and near equitable gender ratios in the ruling cabinet has signaled a flag of change and has the world by storm.   India’s interest in this revolutionary Prime Minister has spiked up since his 8 day trip to India, which began on the 17th of February,2018. While the popular media has been obsessing over his good looks and his adorable family, his trip politically has had a not so good review from the media, wherein his alleged ties with Khalistani elements enraged the country. But moving away from opinions and prejudices, we here at Mercurian Times bring to you now a summary of the Canadian Prime Minister’s trip to India: The Canadian Prime Minister visited the Taj Mahal in Agra, followed by more trips: Sabarmati Ashram,Akshardham temple...

Trump Junior visits India; lures big buyers.

Donald John Trump Jr. ,the executive director of the trump organisation and the eldest son of the U.S President Donald Trump was warmly welcomed on Tuesday 20th February 2018 , while he was on a one week business tour to the country for endorsing his luxurious residential project-Trump Towers. Trump Jr. had a series of meet and greet with Indian investors and business leaders in Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune and Gurugram respectively, where the ambitious Trump Tower projects are under way. Although this visit was simply supposed to be a private business trip but how could it have not been controversial when the trumps are involved. On 26th February, Monday many Indian newspapers flashed full page glossy advertisements about the Trump Jr. ‘s visit inviting investors to buy units in the Trump Tower in Gurugram and getting to have a conversation and dinner with Trump Jr. in return. This offer drew a lot of criticism from the U.S media and various ethics experts blaming Trump Jr. fo...