What is society? Society is me. Society is
you. It is something that consumes humans. It is judgemental. It is frail. We cannot ignore it or run away from it. Each
society dictates the practices, habits , efforts and doings of individuals.
The way that a person talks, dresses and
thinks is largely controlled by society. Who gave the power to make such
decisions to society? The answer is simple: Humans themselves. What basis lies
behind its judgements? More importantly, should we follow everything that
society says? She has a deeper skin tone and scars so she is not beautiful. Are
people with deep complexions or scars inferior to fir toned people in any way?
She cannot be an actress because she is plump. Does this maker unappealing? It
does not.
These days all we seem to care about is
projection. Be it projecting outwardly or projecting the superficial. Our body
is and example. The amount of efforts we make to lose those extra kilos is ridiculous:
following special diets, skipping daily meals, starving ourselves sometimes
even to the point of exhaustion. Buying products that promise to get rid of
those unwanted kilos. What for? To impress others? To be viewed as attractive?
Since when did we begin to equate the two words ‘unattractive’ and
We all know we are not perfect. Instead we
are perfectly imperfect. Acceptance is what we lack. We need to accept and
embrace our differences. We need to accept that imperfection is beauty.
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