Let’s laugh in whispers
for the world shouldn’t know
that we’re together
And when the sun sets
a darker shade of purple
let’s fade a little into forever
let’s run on sands
that take us nowhere
we’ll reach where we’ve wanted to be all along
let’s paint our hearts a little darker
so that they don’t resemble the broken ones
let’s call this night our own
and pretend that we’ve been here before
so when the silence hits
and the hush takes over
we’ll probably know where to go
let’s scream with our footsteps
that are a bit too chained
so that when the cage breaks
we’ll not call it home
let’s be the music
that we’ve never heard
and change the lyrics
to call them hope
let’s strum our heartbeats
a little faster
sit on the stars
and run after the moon
let’s count the breaths
that we never took
and dance on tiptoes
before we swoon
let’s get drunk on our scars
chase our madness
trip a little
and stop
let’s just be
as we are
our flaws
our scars
our laughter
our chaos
tonight let’s chase who we are
let’s let ourselves fall
_we’re purple skies together
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