Lush green Campus? Oh
Wonderful Fests? Yes, of
Hot shot students? So
are they!
Jealous Relatives? Haha,
from the very 1st day!
But DU is not limited to
this. It has a lot more in treasure.
Well yeah, the very tag
of DU is enough to make all your friends get burnt. But we have earned this,
haven't we?
So it's a common belief
that once you enter this university, you need not do anything. Just chill and
enjoy! But ask the first years, how the opposite appears on the scene.
So many assignments,presentations
and internal tests. Yes, we too have to give them. And score pretty well as
well. Else, the so called elite group doesn't take us into acceptance.
Though you might get
into DU based only on academics, you will definitely not be able to survive
only on studies.
The various societies from dance, music,
theatre, to Enactus and E-cell meetings, all keep you very busy. The DU life
does have ongoing fests of different colleges and different societies to offer,
that keep the fun filled spirit going all year round!
But though they are all
fun filled, there is a lot of hard work that goes into the preparation and
carrying out of each event, by the students itself.
You would hear the
"If you go to a DU college,
then attendance is not a problem!!" quite often. However, contrary to
popular belief, the university does have a strict attendance policy. Being DU
students, we don't meet only the bare minimum of 66%, we try to grab hold onto
the 5 marks of 85% attendance!!
So the statement, all
that glitters is not gold, does hold true for DU, however, it is a world of its
own. Being in this integrated university with students of similar kind, from
visiting different colleges for events, where eminent personalities grace the
occasion, to holding your own college events, along with managing the
academics, we create unforgettable memories each day, that are cherished for
life! There is nothing comparable to the DU experience!
- Pranjal & Neeti
- Pranjal & Neeti
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