Little Inexpensive Things That Can Improve Your Mood and Make
You A Happier Person
You must have heard ‘You can’t buy
happiness’ from a lot of people. Although there are many of us who believe that
to not be true, this article is not here to debate over the topic. It will
state a few inexpensive ways to make yourself a more content person by reducing
the impact of nerve-wracking situations in your life. While some tips are for
an instant pick-me-up, a few will help you conjure up a long-term happiness.
1. > Hug It Out
Physical touch has been
found to release dopamine and serotonin while improving the production of
oxytocin in the mind and body. These chemicals can boost your mood and curb
depression. Also hugging would not only help you psychologically but also
physically since physical touch strengthens our immune system. So, you will be
happy and healthy.
Tip: If you are not big on hugging than you can also start by
shaking the other person’s hands.
2. >Keep a Gratitude Journal
Write down 3 things that made you happy right before going to bed.
These things do not have to be big. Being grateful for something which brought
a smile to your face can have huge impacts over your mind and soul in the long
run. Write about anything. This is just for you to read and bring back a happy
moment. Nobody else has got anything to do with it. It will only be for your
own self.
3. Read a Book
It can be about anything.
Just ask a friend for some recommendations or google it. You do not have to
read it all in one day. Start by reading a couple of pages if you are not big
on this. You can even skip the words you do not understand. Just enjoy the
story. As George R.R. Martin said: “A reader lives a thousand lives before he
dies.” So pick a book and start an adventure of your own.
4. Go Outside
Go for a walk. With a
friend, a dog, your mom or may be just yourself. But do not go to a mall. Stay
away from crowded places. Try exploring some place new and less noisy. Just
observe the beauty around you and not the people.
Try Moving On
This one is not only for
the broken-hearts out there. Getting upset is fine but keep holding onto those
emotions will do you no good. Especially for your own self. Try clearing up
your thoughts through forgiveness. When you forgive someone, it will not affect
them as much as it will affect you. Doing this will make place for more
positive thoughts in your mind.
6. Get Soiled…No, Not
You know how much people love the smell of wet soil during rain.
Well, even you might be one of them because according to a study some bacteria
is commonly found in soil that produces effects similar to those of
antidepressant drugs. This gives you one more reason to play in the dirt. After
all, kids do it and have you ever seen a sad kid playing in the dirt. Well even
if you have then it wasn’t for long I bet.
7. Or You Can Even Smell
Or maybe drink some if you want. Just have a nice delicious cup and
perk yourself up in moments. But do not go overboard with this one though cause
while it can improve your mood and make you as energetic as a dog but you don’t
want those sleepless nights counting the sheep and cursing this article or it’s
writer.: P
PS: Don’t forget to share if it helped you in any way. J
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